“To Promote and advance the art of taxidermy, the needs of taxidermists, and the needs of others having a common interest in the art of taxidermy through
advocacy, service and education.”


We intend to do this by uniting taxidermists and promoting the highest standards of the taxidermy art, advocating and supporting the conservation of wildlife, working in collaboration with individuals, organizations, the private
sector and government agencies’, forming strategic alliances and promoting information sharing, monitoring, tracking and supporting legislation that advances and secures the art of taxidermy.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, providing education and training services regarding all aspects of the art of taxidermy
including providing a variety of technical services to taxidermists, state associations and others who share a passion and love of the art of taxidermy.


Our VISION is to unite, promote and champion the needs of taxidermists and those that support and strengthen them.