UTA Competition Divisions & Rules











1.   (SF) Single Fish, two-sided (skin).  Artificial head and fins accepted.   

2.   (FG) Fish Group, two-sided (skin).  Artificial head and fins accepted.   

3.   Single Bird.       

      A.  (SBA)  Waterfowl.

      B.  (SBB)  Non-Waterfowl.

      C.  (SBC)  Turkeys.

4.   (BG) Bird Group – 2 or more birds.   

5.   (WT) Whitetail Deer Shoulder Mount. 
6.   (GH) Game Head – Includes ½ Life size.  
7.   (MGH) Multiple Game Heads, this is all game heads including whitetail.   

8.   Life Size Mammal – includes young of the species.       

      A. (LSMA) Small/medium Mammal – fox, bobcat and smaller.

      B. (LSMB) Large Mammal – coyote or larger.   

9.   (MG) Mammal Group – 2 or more mammals of any size.  
10. (MXG) Mixed Group – combination of 2 or more categories, this entry will have a combined score for 1

11. (RUGS) Rugs – (Open) All types, must be your own work.  (No Masters).  
12. (REPT) Reptiles – Any Reptile  
13. (REPRO) All Reproductions – (Professional) – Purchased blanks allowed (Masters) – must be created by entrant.  
14. (FRZDRY) Freeze-dry Whole.  
15. (SKL) Skeletons – must be the skeleton of complete body.   

16. (CA) Collective Artist – includes any species. Entries completed by more than one person.  

17. (OA) Original Art – This will include all two-dimensional and three dimensional artwork. Flat Art, Photography and 3- Dimensional Art.    

I.   Entries  
1.   Competition entry fees are $35 (UTA members) and $45 (Non-UTA members).   
2.   Best All-Around Taxidermist is $35, in addition to your mount fees. 100% of the money collected will be awarded to the winner.  
3.   Competitors challenge is $35, in addition to your mount fees.  100% of the money collected will be awarded to the winner. 
4.   ID cards will be attached to the mount and the competitor must have their receipt to pick up their mount at end of show.  
5.  Once registered the competitor may bring their mounts to the grooming area and then competition room where a committee person will assist in placing the piece. There will be no loitering once the mount is placed. 

II.   Awards  
1.   UTA Horizon Award – Given to the highest scoring mount in the Junior Division.  In case of a tie, the judges will decide.     

2.   UTA Professional Champion – Given to the highest scoring first place Best of Category mount in any category in the Professional Division.  If there is no first place, there is no Best of Category. These will be awarded during the Awards Ceremony. All Best of Category winners will be called to the stage, and the UTA Professional Champion will be announced.    

3.   UTA Masters Champion – Given to the highest scoring first place mount in every category of the Masters Division.  If there is no first place, there will be no UTA Masters Champion.    

4.   Best All-Around UTA Taxidermist – Highest scoring group of 4 mounts from 4 different categories of the categories eligible. (Categories eligible: Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Life size Mammal, and Game heads). Mounts must be entered into the BAAT phase of competition at registration.   
5.   UTA Competitors Challenge – Highest scoring group of any 4 mounts.  Mounts must be entered into the CC phase of the competition at registration.   

6.   Judges Choice Best of Show UTA – Best overall mount picked by all judges, can choose from any mount in the Open and Masters Division.   

7.   UTA Artisan Award – Taxidermists Choice Best of Show – Best overall individual mount picked by all entrants.  (Collective Artists ineligible).  
8.   UTA Champion Original Art Award: Award will be presented for the judges choice of best original art entry.   

III.  Judges  
1.   Judges are chosen as follows:  Judges will be chosen and approved by the UTA Board of Directors.            

2.   In case of emergency, if a contracted judge cannot perform his/her duties, the UTA Competition Committee and Board of Directors reserve the right to substitute a qualified person to judge the specific category.  This person will also participate in picking Judges Choice Awards.  Judges will not be eligible to compete in the competition.   

3.   Judges are to plan at least 4 hours of time on Saturday for members to have their mounts critiqued.  Critiques will be held to 10 minutes maximum. There will be a sign in sheet for critiques … first come first served.   

IV. Judging Criteria  
1.   Judges decisions are final.   

2.   Judges will use UTA score sheets – using the body of the score sheet for a critique sheet and giving a ribbon placement on the bottom.  

3.   Only judges, Competition Committee members, when necessary, and assistants will be allowed in the room at the time of judging. Judges assistants, media personnel or anyone with valid reason at the time to be in the room must be pre-approved by the Competition Committee.   
4.   Best All-Around Taxidermist – This award is given to the BAAT entrant with the highest scoring group of 4 mounts from 4 different categories of the categories eligible. Judges will break ties.   

5.   Competitors Challenge – This award is given to the CC entrant with the highest total score of the 4 pieces they have entered in the Challenge.  
6.   Judges  will award ribbon placements as follows:  Professional Division will include 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention.  Masters will include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.   

V.  General Rules  
1.   UTA Competition Committee will refuse inappropriate entries deemed unsuitable for viewing by the public. Please keep your work tasteful. Committee’s rulings will be final.   

2.   No “For Sale” signs or business cards on mounts.     

3.   No formal advertising from anyone by any means, such as passing out business cards, etc. in the competition area.  

4.   Competition Committee will settle all disputes.  
5.   All mounts must be the work of the person entering the piece.   

6.   In a mixed entry containing birds, fish, reptile, life-size mammal or a game head each piece will be judged by their respective judges.   
7.   Removable covers will be allowed.  Covers are to be removed by the owner before judging.  This also means that the owner will be responsible for putting the cover back on.   

8.   All hangers on entered mounts must be of good quality or they will not be hung.  The Competition Committee will decide.   

9.   Special Rules for the Masters Division: Exposed or viewable artificial parts of Master Division entries should be original and made by the competitor. This would include duck bills, duck feet, artificial noses, mouth tissue, mouth parts, fish fins, fish heads, reproduction fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Commercial items allowed are ear liners (including ear liners with inner ears reproduced), eyes, manikins, artificial and freeze dry turkey heads. At entry time, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning individual work which the judges will have to review.

10. Special Rules for the Collective Artists category. 

      A.  Mounts must be the work of more than one person.

      B.  Mounts can not be used for Best All-Around, Competitors Challenge, or Artisan Awards.           

11. Special Rules for the Professional Division.

      A.  Commercial reproduction parts may be used.

      B.  Commercial manikins may be used.  
12. The Original Art Competition and Award: All original art must be completely designed and made by the entrant.  No commercial parts accepted. Original art will be judged by one or more of the taxidermy judges. Ribbons will be awarded on each entry’s merit. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons awarded. A short remarks sheet will be filled out by the judge.               

VI. Miscellaneous:  
 1.  Protected Species: These “MUST” be accompanied with the proper permits and the entrant “MUST” be able to provide proof of proper licensing. “NO EXCEPTIONS”  
2.   UTA Divisions are all open. As an entrant you may enter any division you wish. However, once you have entered into a division in a particular category, you may not enter into that category in a lower division at any other UTA competition. Example: If you enter a WT Deer in the Masters Division one year at the UTA Expo you can not enter a WT Deer into the Professional Division at the next UTA Expo.  
3.   No mount previously entered into a UTA Expo may be entered again.  
4.   The UTA Competition Committee reserves all rights to make any final decisions on any criteria not listed herein or to any question that may arise within the competition.